Friday 25 August 2017

Where To Buy Natural Skin Care Products

We are all aware of how natural skin care products are gaining increasingly larger space (as a result of continuously growing demand by main stream skin care consumers) on shelves in supermarkets, department stores and other general and specialty retailers.

But where to buy Natural Skin Care Products is not a redundant question.

The aim of an educated and knowledgeable Natural Skin Care consumer is to find the ultimate product that is natural and at the same time is the best anti agingmoisturizer.

Truly, “the best” is a relative term, the decision on what product to buy is in some ways subjective.

In what product to buy, buyers will focus on the “feel” of the product, texture, scent, density, oiliness, proven performance, source of the ingredients, the ingredients, place / country of manufacturing, length of time on the market, attributes, user comments, proven results, terms of purchase (can the product be returned), treatment of skin conditions, vegan products, Organic products, cruelty free products and more.

The only type of retailers to be able to provide answers to the list above or at least to a portion of it is Health Food stores, online retailers and Organic Spas and Specialty Natural / Organic boutique.

In my opinion, the best retailers to meet this purpose are the Natural Health Food stores and online retailers. In respect to Natural Health Food stores, is a variety of types of stores. Some stores focus either entirely or mostly on food items and some supplements, it is only the few in each city that offer a full service beauty and body care departments which are also staffed.

These are the stores to go to, they will have the largest variety of products and prices as well as the people to answer the questions and have the knowledge on ingredients, results, popularity and so on. The aim is the fins the best anti aging moisturizer within the category of natural skin careproducts. Some examples

In respect to online options, in other to simplify things, I have them divided into three: General online retailers, specialty online retailers and online stores of traditional retailers that the online sales are an add-on.

Example for general online stores would be: Amazon, etc.

Two example of a highly dependable Specialty online retailer are the online store of the “One of A Kind Show” and the website:  
Examples of stores of traditional retailers that the online sales are an add-on are Nature’s Source and Noah’s Natural Foods.
My biggest tip is always to go where there is knowledge and the products are made domestically.

Original Article ->  Where To Buy Natural Skin Care Products

Thursday 20 July 2017

Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty Products You Need to Know About

Vegan life style and the growing preference for of none vegan individuals the
prefer vegan products has reached a new pick.

The main reason beyond life style has to do with the growing perception that vegan food items and products are healthier on the user and better for the environment.

I would like to focus on cruelty free products such as cruelty free moisturizer. The cruelty free aspect is still the major and most agreed upon reason that people either become vegan or try to consume mainly vegan products.

I would like to focus on cruelty free skin care products.

In order for a product to be vegan / cruelty free, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

During the R&D process – no testing on animals was performed.
The ingredients used in the production of products are strictly not from any living form, animals, fish or birds, basically anything that has any type of life is not allowed (period).

During the last few years many studies were conducted on topic if vegan / cruelty free products are better for us health wise. The results are all conclusive. Vegan products are healthier and safer for use.

In respect to the health of the products, all evidence suggests that ingredients in food, cosmetics and so on are unhealthy and can have long lasting negative effect, new research points to dairy products as one of the bigger causes for a few types of cancer.

Cruelty free moisturizer or products are unique in the sense that they are composed of ingredients which are plant based. Vegan skin care manufacturers like The Skin Care Queens spend a lot of time on research of oils and butters in order to reach the ultimate anti-aging effect. The most important factor is the ability of the ingredients to reach deep into the bottom layer of the dermis.  It is important to distinguish between Organic products and Veganproducts. In the case of Organic products – the emphasis is on the cultivation and authenticity of the ingredients rather than on the source. It is possible that Organic products will contain animal based ingredients.

Recent studies have shown that the ultimate, perfect cruelty free moisturizer is a combination of Organic and vegan moisturizer. An example of a product of that composition is Alexandra Moisturizer by The Skin Care Queens of Toronto, industry critics have repeatedly named it as the best face moisturizer in Canada.

Just to summarize – for a cruelty free moisturizer to be effective, it must contain ingredients that have a LMW – low molecular weight.  

Original Article->
Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty Products You Need to Know About   

Monday 12 June 2017

The Beginner’s Guide To Vegan Skin Care Products

best vegan anti aging skin care

Vegan life style has been growing in remarkable rates in the last few years.

The reasons are many, a few are sensitivity to meat and dairy products, trend, wholesome health approach, deep conviction in animal rights and above all a Human look at our existence.

Vegan life style opened a whole spectrum of consumer products, clothing including shoes and accessories, food, beverages, home décor and Skin Care.

Vegan life style is naturally against any animal cruelty including all testing done on animals.

Naturally, VeganOrganic skin care products are made of plants sources and do not go through any chemical process. Vegan skin care products may be going through chemicals processes and various fertilizers are used to promote high crops – in this case they are not Organic.

So, a choice has to be made if to use Vegan skin care products or Vegan Organic skin care products. I believe it is an easy choice, as the health consideration being dominant Organic is the preferred way to go.

Find the combination of Vegan Organic skin care in Toronto can be a challenge as most producers will go either one or the other. One line does offer the combination and it is called The Skin care Queens, not only is the line vegan but it is USDA certified Organic which is the highest certification available in North America.

Because of the ingredients used in Vegan and Organic products – Fatty acids, oils etc. Organic skin care products are perfect for individuals searching for dry skin care products.

However, Vegan and Organic skin care products are not regarded to be only for dry skin care products but for any skin type – the key is to use less, and to use according to absorption. It is important to remember that each person has a different skin type, moisture level and sensitive to different ingredients.

The rule for Vegan Organic skin care is the same like with all skin care products, in order for them to be effective they must have the ability to penetrate deep through the three layers of the skin: Epidermis, Dermis and Hypodermis. A low molecular weight is the key.

Original Article->
The Beginner’s Guide To Vegan Skin CareProducts

Thursday 25 May 2017

Best Vegan Organic Skin Care Products for 2017

Vegan skin care products
I was recently asked what in my opinion are the Best Vegan Organic Products of 2017

One would think that the answer is simple, it is not for four reasons, the first being that best is really a term which is very subjective, unless you have a panel of judges that ultimately reach a decision. The second reason is the fact that not all Vegan individuals look and purchase Organic products and on the other hand, not all people who describe themselves as users of nearly only Organic products are Vegan or prefer Vegan products and in particular Vegan skin care products.

As a fact, people that look for Organic products usually look for Organic made in Canada products and for sensitive skin care products.

Another fact is that every moment somewhere around the globe – someone is bringing to life another natural ingredient with unique, anti-aging ingredients.

After this long opening – I will try and answer.

I guess it really comes down to the performance of the products or in other words do the Vegan and Organic ingredients complement each other, do they help perform better the functions they are supposed to perform, do they cancel each other .

Organic made in Canada skin care is an equal in importance for many Vegan skin care users, I would say that the best choice would be a skin care line, preferably  a line that consists of sensitive skin care products as well, and most importantly that the Vegan ingredients in the line are of Organic source.

When searching for the Best Vegan Organic line, look for two very important symbols on the label: The first is the Organic certification and the second is the Vegan symbol. The next step is reading and understanding the ingredients on the label.

Individuals that have sensitivities to certain ingredients will be able right away to learn about them being present in the product.

It is important to remember that ingredients appear on product labels with the top ones on the list having the highest concentration relatively to the other ingredients. The last ingredient is the one which is present in the lowest percentage in the product.

Ingredients will appear in their scientific names, if you don’t know – ask.

I always recommend go Vegan and Organic. Healthy, clean and Humane. 

Friday 5 May 2017

Hyaluronic Acid and its uses

Alternative Plus

Everyone is talking about Hyaluronic Acid, but what do you real know about it?
Hyaluronic acid is in general in condensed form, it is formed naturally in our body. It has the ability to join in with other molecules making it a massive water retainer.

It can be found in our skin, joints and in large quantities in our eyes.
As we age the self-production of the Hyaluronic Acid slows resulting in our skin getting wrinkled and joints warn out.

A healthy young skin depends on the concentration and quantity in one’s skin.

Today, Hyaluronic acid is extracted from plants,it is also a superb antioxidant and a vital for messages to be conveyed between our skin cells as well as the cells splitting and by cell rejuvenation.

The use of Hyaluronic acid commenced in beauty industry as a result from the very successful use of it in hospital burn centers.

Hyaluronic is used for filling wrinkles by injections, providing volume to cheeks and the chin, eye treatments, healthy make up products and the treatment of wounds.

In the past the prevailing claim was that the molecular weight of the acid was too high – and by that it is unable to penetrate the epidermis. In cutting age skin care lines such as our Sea of Spa Black Pearl, Alternative Plus and Creative, Hyaluronic acids with a very low weight is used that penetrates the epidermis. The acid is a vital ingredient in creams and serums.

Hyluronic acid is very costly, however, the higher the concentration in the cream – the more effective it will be.