Thursday 25 May 2017

Best Vegan Organic Skin Care Products for 2017

Vegan skin care products
I was recently asked what in my opinion are the Best Vegan Organic Products of 2017

One would think that the answer is simple, it is not for four reasons, the first being that best is really a term which is very subjective, unless you have a panel of judges that ultimately reach a decision. The second reason is the fact that not all Vegan individuals look and purchase Organic products and on the other hand, not all people who describe themselves as users of nearly only Organic products are Vegan or prefer Vegan products and in particular Vegan skin care products.

As a fact, people that look for Organic products usually look for Organic made in Canada products and for sensitive skin care products.

Another fact is that every moment somewhere around the globe – someone is bringing to life another natural ingredient with unique, anti-aging ingredients.

After this long opening – I will try and answer.

I guess it really comes down to the performance of the products or in other words do the Vegan and Organic ingredients complement each other, do they help perform better the functions they are supposed to perform, do they cancel each other .

Organic made in Canada skin care is an equal in importance for many Vegan skin care users, I would say that the best choice would be a skin care line, preferably  a line that consists of sensitive skin care products as well, and most importantly that the Vegan ingredients in the line are of Organic source.

When searching for the Best Vegan Organic line, look for two very important symbols on the label: The first is the Organic certification and the second is the Vegan symbol. The next step is reading and understanding the ingredients on the label.

Individuals that have sensitivities to certain ingredients will be able right away to learn about them being present in the product.

It is important to remember that ingredients appear on product labels with the top ones on the list having the highest concentration relatively to the other ingredients. The last ingredient is the one which is present in the lowest percentage in the product.

Ingredients will appear in their scientific names, if you don’t know – ask.

I always recommend go Vegan and Organic. Healthy, clean and Humane. 

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