Wednesday 26 April 2017

Oily skin care products

We all heard before a comment about a skin being either oily or too oily.
Well, the purpose of oily skin care products are exactly for that for people with oily to very oily skin.

Oily skin can be either visible or not are many levels of oily skin the following are the different skin types that are within the “oily skin family” so to speak.

Combination skin – a skin that is dry in most cases but has an active T zone, in some cases the skin turns dry in the winter and once it is spring time – the skin turns to be combination again.

Oily skin –in this case the skin is oily sometimes visibly oily, such skin may breakout occasionally.
 Very Oily – such skin is prone to breakouts, the skin remains oily year round.

The reasons having an oily type skin are many:
Work environment
Food – oily foods
Genetics – family genetics
Hormonal changes – age
Irregular sebum secretion
Geography – the closer we live to the coast the higher the chances of having a certain level of oily skin

The basis for choosing the right type of Oily skin care products and creams always starts with getting a product which is designed for that purpose and is OIL FREE.

Age is a big consideration, the younger we are – usually our skin tends to be more on the oily side.

The following are our recommendations in respect to each condition:

Oily young skin – bio spa sea of spa
Acne prone skin – B3 line
Combination skin - Light Day Cream of  Sea of Spa Black Pearl & Light E+C Moisturizing cream.

Friday 21 April 2017

Buy Skin Care Products Online

“I have dry skin” we all hear from nearly everyone we encounter during our harsh winter.

What is the cause for dry skin and what are the best skin care products and makes them different from what is known to be called oily skin care products?

Dry skin – dry skin can be a result of many reasons or a combination of reasons.

In Canada, North USA and Scandinavia the most prevalent reason for dry skin is the winter time. Few reasons are the cause for that: the moisture in the air turn into precipitation as snow and the heating systems dry the air.

The result of those factors is that our skin gets dehydrated. In some cases the impact can be reduced by first and most in drinking a lot of water and by that decreasing the influence of the dry air.

A humidifier will contribute to retaining moisture in the air.

In the work place, the heating systems dry our skin and as the day goes by we forget to consume enough water. Moisture loss occurs in all layers of our skin even deep into the skin’s dermis.

Other reasons for dry skin would be the effect of metabolism, nutrition but the most significant is moisture loss as a result of aging of the skin.

What are the best skin care products for dry skin? The most important are hydrating agents, and the presence of the following active ingredients such as: Bio peptides, hyaluronic acid and essential oils.

Among the best skin care products for dry skin I can name: Sea of Spa Black Pearl Day Cream, Black Pearl 45+, Bio Spa 45+, Creative Line and New Collagen line of products.

What are oily skin care products?

The answer to this question is very simple, oil skin care products are the complete opposite to dry skin care products. Oily skin care products are oil free.  In these type of products vegetable extracts are used as well as vitamins to enhance the anti - aging process.

In the last few years there is a growing tendency of people that have dry skin to use oil free products for comfort reasons.

Dr. Kadir Laboratories has developed an entire line of anti – aging products which is completely oil free, the line is called LIGHT E+C.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Are You Tense About Your T ZONE ?

Matching and choosing the correct skin care line or products is sometimes confusing at best. 
Quality skin care lines of products have different items in order to match the correct and suitable products for particular skin types.
Skin care products in general are divided into types directed for specific skin types:

Skin care products for dry skin, for oily skin for mature skin, acne skin and for combination skin care  products. What are combination skin care products, what makes them unique? What type of product are out there.

Combination type skin in most cases relates to facial skin that is divided into different conditions. Some of the areas of the face would usually be normal to dry, others may be oily most of the time or during certain times / seasons in the year.

The most common condition of combination skin is when the skin in general is dry but a certain area known as the “T ZONE” is oily at times mostly during the summer. I must add that in some cases the appearance and the disappearance of a “T ZONE” are directly influenced by the age of the skin.

What is a “T ZONE” and where is it on the face?

A “T ZONE” is a direct line across the forehead and down vertically from the centre of the forehead down to the nose bridge and the nose area, the area of the nose is usually affected as that is the area where the largest pores are.

A “T ZONE” is easily identified by the small red like marks which are a result of oiliness of the skin as well as accelerated sebum secretion.

The causes a “T ZONE” are many, they include among others, in the case of teenagers or adolescence, hot and humid working environment, hormonal changes, moving to reside in a different climate, genetics , specific types of food – degree of oils used in cooking and what type of oils. Certain types of medication as well as different types of illness may all be contributing factors to having a combination type skin.

Some of the geographical reasons are living by the coast and not in a dry area.

People that have combination type skin sometimes tend in the winter to have dry skin depending on other factors.

Combination skin care products are usually oil free. Sea of Spa Black Pearl has a variety of products that fall under this category such as Sea of Spa Black Pearl Light Day Cream which is Oil Free as well as other combination skin care products such as Sea of Spa Black Pearl Mousse Cleanser.

Among Dr. Kadir Laboratories top combination skin care products are the entire Light E+C series which is completely oily free.